Upon registration, residence fees are raised per semester for the full academic period. Residence fees cover only the academic semesters and exclude the winter and summer recess periods.
Students are responsible for their own laundry.
Residence fees do not include a provision for meals.
Registration changes are dependent on the previous semester’s residence fees being paid in full.
Late occupancy credit will only be considered on confirmation from the Student Housing Management provided that the room was not reserved for the student and that all required down-payments have been paid. Residence occupancy after the payment date (30 April for first semester and 30 September for second semester) is subject to immediate payment of the residence fee until the end of the particular semester.
Residence fees for International students are payable in advance prior to commencement of the respective semesters.
2017 Student Account Guide (967 kB) (see page 15 for residence fees)