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The process when applying for on-campus residence:
Applicants must first be accepted by the faculty before they can be considered for on-campus residences.
The closing date for applying to the University is the end of
September each year.
Receipt of your application for on-campus residence will be acknowledged but this does not guarantee a space in the residence.
All first year students are expected to share rooms.
Applicants are grouped and selected within the same faculty so that common academic interests are shared and opportunities to learn from each other are created.
Nelson Mandela University accepts no responsibility for a student’s personal property. Please ensure that you are insured against such eventualities.
Priority will be given to applicants with high Applicant Score (AS). In the case of a number of applicants having the same AS, the Quintile 1, 2 & 3 schools (no-fee schools) you come from will determine the applicant’s selection.
Priority will be given to applicants living outside the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) for Port Elizabeth campuses and outside the George Municipality for George Campus.
Final acceptance into on-campus residence, for first years will depend on your final examination results.
Students are advised to come to residence only if they have received a sms clearly specifying the date of arrival.
Applicants who are not accepted due to on-campus residences being full, will be placed in our accredited off-campus residences.
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